ChristlikeMinistries Inc


About Our Story

How We Began

Our ministry began in 2002, although under a different name.   Previously, Frank and Liz had traveled to Juarez with other organizations, and had developed a love for the people of Juarez.  Each experience led them to see a need for more house building.

In 2005, Christlike Ministries Inc. received charity status, and we were then able to issue tax receipts for donations.  Our first home build was in 2007. Frank and Liz began traveling a couple times a year, taking teams on bus trips, staying in an abandoned building that had been offered to them.  Street ministry and food distributions were a big part of the outreach, along with building homes.

In 2006, we were given the opportunity to purchase a large piece of property, and in 2007 the foundation was poured for what is now our Outreach Center.  During the course of 5 separate 2 week work projects in 2008, the building was constructed.  Many hands were involved in this process, including a team from Seminole Texas who not only physically helped, but shared the financial cost of the build. We are forever grateful to God, for bringing us together.  A few years later we were able to buy the adjacent property as well.

From 2009 until 2012, there were several pastors and missionaries who served from this location, yet none who felt the call to remain. Our hope and prayer was to have a missionary couple who felt the call of God to be in the area and to Pastor the church on a full-time basis.

A short time later there was a knock at the door by a young couple, Joel and Amber Cera, inquiring exactly about this. Soon after hearing their vision for the people of Juarez, and believing God had brought them, they moved into the small bedroom at the back, and began a church which is now called, Eglesia Cristiana Villa Esperanza.

One year later, we built a home for them on the existing property. Their family has now grown to five!


Mission –
Go ye into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15.

The Christlike Ministries Team believes the Bible to be the infallible Word of God.  Our mission is to share the Love of Jesus Christ with whomever we meet.

Vision –
To see others come to know the Love of Christ, and to know they are valued, loved and accepted for who they are.  That we would reach out with Love to all people, helping to meet not only the spiritual needs, but also emotional and physical needs.

Purpose –
To be the Good Samaritan that Jesus spoke about in Luke 10:30-37. To be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to love others as Christ has Loved us. To bring a new-found hope to all who are weary and heavy-laden.

Our Missionaries/Head Pastor:

Joel & Amber Cera

Joel and Amber Cera along with their children, Ian (6), Eli (3), and Lia (4 months) have served as full time missionaries in Juarez for 6 years.  Joel and Amber met in 2006 while Amber was on a mission trip to Cuauhtémoc – Joel’s home town.  At the time, Joel was studying at New Tribes Bible Institute in Chihuahua and Amber was in college studying education.

In 2009, soon after graduation, they got married and started their ministry together.  Sensing God calling them to Juarez, in Feb 2012 they knocked on the door of our Outreach Center asking if we were looking for a Missionary couple.

We had been praying that God would send a couple of His choosing, to start a church in our building and to Pastor the people of the community on a full-time basis.  We built a bedroom in the back, and by July they moved in and began their work.  One year later a home was built for them on the same property.

It is Joel and Amber’s desire to reach the lost in their neighborhood.  Aside from the huge physical needs in their neighborhood (no running water, poverty, etc.) there is also a great spiritual need.  Joel and Amber are working hard to show love in any way possible to the people of the community, all the while teaching them to grow and mature in their walks with Christ. Their weekly ministry includes Sunday and midweek church services, youth group, kids club, bible studies, prison ministry, and so much more. They appreciate your prayers as God uses them for HIS glory!

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Pablo Gomez: Associate/Youth Pastor

Pablo has been attending Iglesia Cristiana Villa Esperanza for a few years, and has always been willing to help out where needed.  Pablo sensed a call from God for ministry, and after talking with Pastor Joel, decided to work only half time, with the other half designated toward Ministry Outreach.  In 2017, Pablo came on staff as an Associate Youth Pastor, working not only with the Youth, but also assisting Pastor Joel as needed.

Meet Our Board Members

[click names for more detailed profiles]

Frank & Liz Guenther-Founders

Frank & Liz have been married for 44 years and have 4 Children, 6 Grand-Children & 1 Great-Grandchild. They live in Warman, SK and attend a local Warman church.

Susan Hiebert

New Board Member (photo and bio to follow)

Wayne Senger

Wayne lives in Saskatoon and attends Sutherland Evangelical Church, where he serves as Mission Board Chairperson. He enjoys working part-time at Rona. Besides his interest in being involved with promoting the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, he enjoys reading, writing, photography, and is an avid walker.

Our Areas of Ministry

Men’s & Women’s Prison

We have the opportunity to participate in prison ministry alongside Paula Garcia, an elderly lady who has been ministering there for over 15 years. We often prepare a short skit, do some singing, and one of our team shares a short devotional containing words of encouragement for the prisoners.

We bring sandwiches, cookies and drinks with us. Sometimes we bring pizza which is a huge treat for them. Over the years, we have seen many men and women make first time commitments to the Lord, and many that ask for prayer. It is a joy when we see their smiling faces upon return visits.

Food Distribution

Each trip, we generally prepare 200 grocery bags, consisting of 8 or 9 staple items – Rice, Beans, Flour, Sugar, Oil, Salt etc. We also include either a New Testament or some other Gospel material. We then give out the bags during an Outreach Event, deliver door to door, or upon request at the Outreach Center.

Street Ministry

We often incorporate a time of street ministry with food distribution. A location is chosen, often an empty parking lot or street corner, and once the guitar starts playing and we start singing, people gather. We generally sing and then someone shares a short devotional, reminding them that God loves them. Often we are given the opportunity to pray with them. Then food bags are handed out for each household, and candy bags are given to the children. We don’t want to leave anyone out.

Children’s Ministry

Within the church there is the opportunity to assist with activities for the children during the services, working alongside the volunteers from the church.

Youth Ministry

Within the church there is the opportunity to assist with activities for the youth during the services, working alongside Pablo. During the summer and fall months, weekly street ministry occurs, reaching out to the youth in a neighboring community.

Home Visits

We have built many relationships with people of the community, and we want them to know they are loved and supported. Periodic visits are made to various homes, sometimes bringing various baked goods with us.

Various Work Projects

We often get requests from people of the community to help with various issues in their homes. So often they lack the funds, appropriate tools, or the expertise to repair something. We help with as many requests as possible. This extends to roof repair, wall repair, building a bathroom, putting up a fence, or anything in between.