ChristlikeMinistries Inc

Ways to Give


Not all contributions need to be financial.  We consider PRAYER to be the most important part of what we do.  Any amount of time you are willing to designate toward this is greatly appreciated.

Clothing Donation

Donations of gently used clothing and shoes are displayed in the Clothes Closet at the Outreach Center.  This is a place where we can connect with people of the community and they have the opportunity to purchase things they are in need of, for only a few peso .  Contact us for more information on Clothing Drop Offs.

Monetary Donation

All monies donated will be used to carry out various outreach efforts.  If you would like to designate a donation toward a particular project or area of ministry, include that information with your gift.  A charity receipt is issued for all monetary donations.  To view a list of our Areas of Ministry go to “About.

For now there are 2 ways to give. (We’re working on a 3rd party donation method).

1. Send an e-Transfer (secure way of giving without banking details)

2/ Or mail a cheque to us.

Sponsor a House Build

Sponsoring a house build can be done through fundraising and cash donations, we will coordinate the rest of what’s needed. Whether you are an individual, group of employees or church group/organization, this is the perfect opportunity to provide a basic necessity for a family in Juarez.

Contact us if you have Specific Questions about Giving.